We lost De Kelley 25 years ago today

I can’t believe it’s been 25 years ago today that we lost De. I mean DeForest Kelley, of course— the humble working actor who parlayed a resume of playing the heavy during the boom era of the Westerns into galactic fame as Dr. Leonard McCoy, the heart of Star Trek. (That’s the one that created its own paradigm, and the …

RIP DCF: Where to hear Dorothy Fontana on The Trek Files—plus, today’s LIVE

Such a flood of emotions on the sudden passing of Dorothy “D.C.” Fontana, our direct pipeline to 1964 and so much roots Trek (and roots TNG as well!). I’ll say more here tomorrow … although I’ve already said a lot: watch today’s  Trekland Tuesdays LIVE Ep. 132:  Our Guardian of Forever is Gone: RIP Dororthy Fontana. (Apologies for the signal …

RIP Jon Steuer, the original ‘Alexander’; two crowdfunds allow fans to help

Portland music fans and friends are reeling from the unexpected death Jan. 1 of  rocker-restarateur Jon Steuer, 33, known to Trekland as the young actor who at age 6  first played Worf’s son Alexander Rozhenko, in TNG‘s “Reunion.” After his appearance, TNG‘s producers wanted a slightly older actor to handle the role a year later  in a more ongoing basis, …