At Penguicon, an intriguing mash up of sci-fi and open-source makers, nearly 20 years old … They asked me to be a guest of honor … in 2020. One pandemic and fill-in virtual events later — HERE WE ARE, finally! THIS weekend, April 22-24. And I couldn’t be more excited. Back in Michigan, at the Southfield Westin in greater …
Saying goodbye to Nichelle in L.A.? Say hello to some real-life Trek locales too
UPDATE: Just added an added day, and combo pricing, for MONDAY, May 4— after Nichelle’s celebration. Are you one of the 2,000-some headed to Hollywood May 1-3 for a once-in-a-lifetime event, the Nichelle Nichols Farewell Celebration? Well, here’s some bonus fun! Because so many Trekfans may be in Los Angeles for the first time that weekend, I decided to offer …
Visit your Trek outdoor memories *live* with LA Away Days Sept. 14 & 15
We’re back with another shot at your real-life away mission — on a budget! There’s nothing like living your Trek memories of those iconic Hollywood locations first-hand. I always love seeing the joy of Trek fans when they come to L.A. and experience the unmistakable sight of their favorite Starfleet adventures, live and in person, for the very first time. …