This weekend: Nichelle’s Farewell finally happens as an L.A. ComicCon adjunct

Twice delayed by COVID, the Nichelle Nichols Farewell Event first planned for May 2020 is finally about to bloom as an adjunct of LA ComicCon Dec. 3-5 at the LA Convention Center downtown.

And I’m thrilled to be there to honor Nichelle, her career and fans, and even her loved ones … amid an emotional atmosphere, in all phases of the game: hosting guests on stage, at my own booth part-time, and sharing in one panel.

Any unrefunded ticket-holders from 2020 still have access to Nichelle’s event, PLUS LACC.  Likewise, LACC admission gets you into Nichelle’s program events as well. And tickets are still available!

Here’s the Nichelle-only program schedule.

And here’s the full LACC master panel schedule if you want to traverse the corridor between event areas (Nichelle Farewell events are in red, each hour).

As for me  (all Nichelle events in Room 515):

(I’ll also have a booth— staffed and unstaffed; my limited hours there will be posted.)


5 pm — Family & Friends’ Memories of Nichelle (moderating)



11:30 am —  “Star Trek Memories” with post-TOS actors (tentatively Gary Graham, Cirroc Lofton, Crystal Allen)
4:30 pm   — Gap-Filling and Canon Smoothing (co-panel with James Kerwin): a fun look at controversial or overlooked Trek background hiccups,  and how we’ve fixed them
10:30 am  Doug Jones and Disco! (moderating)
2:30 pm   Walter Koenig (moderating)
4:10 pm  Nichelle Nichols Finale Celebration  (all guests)

Check the site for the program and events, the add-ons, and bonus options.

Will I see any Treklanders there?



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