Latest Past Events
Popup Virtual Panel TONIGHT— Celebrate ST: First Contact’s 25th with Backstage All-Stars
Virtual—globallyMonday, Nov. 22 — TODAY— is the premiere's 25th anniversary of Star Trek: First Contact. And there's been almost no celebration— live or online. So days ago longtime Trek illustrator John Eaves rounded up some friends and asked me to herd them, as a free, one-hour online panel/reunion: With Trek video supervisor Ben Betts, ILM model supervisor John Goodson, and ...
6th Annual Portal 47 Open House with Mike McMahan!
Virtual—globallySave the date! (Rescheduled to Nov. 15) Once a year we throw open the Portal 47 gates to everyone for a very special guest — and a taste of what the Portal backstage deep-diving is all about. More details and click-in link here.
Yuma, AZ — Yuma Civic Center 1440 W Desert Hills Dr, YumaA small, friendly, multi-franchise "comics, anime and pop culture" event in Yuma, AZ— now in its fifth year. I'll be repping Star Trek with John Champion!