Portal 47 7th Anniversary
Open House Telebriefing – Dec. 7
with DS9’s Exec Producer/showrunner
Ira Steven Behr
‘Open’ to the public!
Join us on Wednesday, Dec. 7, at 6 p.m. Pacific/ 9 pm Eastern, for a special Portal 47 Open House to mark the start of our eighth year …virtual, of course!
And with us at 7/9 pm is DS9’s own iconic showrunner/EP Ira Steven Behr, the little TOS fan lucky enough to wind up with the keys to the “middle child” of the Berman Era that many think has held up the best.
Join us as we explore, with “slide show” images too, even more of Ira’s Trek years — including his harried start and departure from TNG, colleagues like Michael Piller and Peter Allan Fields and many more… and that amazing documentary. And even that ST VI commentary track with yours truly!
Ira joins us for this annual event for the public as did our past Open House headliners Robert Butler, David Livingston, Michael Westmore, René Echevarria, Robert Hewitt Wolfe, David Carson, and Mike McMahan …
Also: On Dec. 7 in the hour prior to Ira’s guest time, we’ll sample our other Portal 47 live telebriefing format: an “Ask Dr. Trek” Roundtable—a virtual open mic night for everyone. This time, with door prizes! (And that’s why you register.)
These live and recorded telebriefings are the apex of the features Portal 47 deep-divers enjoy every month. As they do all year, on Dec. 7 you can listen in via phone, and/or full Zoom of course … and even send questions in advance.
Here’s Ira’s IMDB and Memory Alpha (Trek wiki) pages to help get you started on those pre-submitted questions.
But first… click the blue button to save your seat, get the event info, and get in line for Trek door prizes that night!